_Picking up where I left off, new ideas regarding direction have surfaced. There's a lot of time at work I can listen to podcasts and video essays which is how I learn more from experienced game designers, including industry legend Hideo Kojima. Today I thought more about my strategy on how to move forward with [proj._01] based on what I've listened to.
- Take a full week to become more familiar with RPG Maker
- Create a Style Guide for each game
- Build a Test RPG using stock assets
_Timeline: All of next week will go towards studying RPG Maker MV in more complete detail. Work on the Style Guides can begin tomorrow morning. Building the Test RPG will start on the 22nd and continue until Halloween. Expect updates throughout.
_Challenge: Distraction. When trying to lock in, it's annoyingly easy to lollygag or outright lose the forest for the trees. A lot of time has been lost to web-browsing and music. Meditating prior to work and maybe some lo-fi will remedy the situation.
_Closing Thoughts: I'm not gonna say more on the technical side of the RPG titles until I'm done with studying. Tomorrow, work begins on art direction and I'll showcase what I come up with in the Dev Logs and Art Portal. Given the workload I decided to take on, this project is going to take a couple of years, at least. From what I've heard, it's more realistic to overshoot on your timeline than to undershoot it. If I have time tomorrow, I'll get back to work on the Travel Kit.
_Quote of the Week: “A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.”-Hunter S. Thompson